The PPR250 series of power supplies deliver 250 W of power with 600 W of peak power, in a 5 x 3.2 x 1.5-in. package. It targets price sensitive, size sensitive, or low-profile applications in telecom, datacom, industrial, and process control industries.
Units operate from an autoranging input and provide regulated single and dual outputs. Single-output models range from 3.3 to 54 Vdc and are user adjustable. Dual-output models pair voltages from 3.3 to 48 Vdc, and output number 1 is user adjustable. Protection circuitry is a standard feature, as is a power-good signal and remote on/off. (From $52.50 ea/large qty — available now.)
Power Partners , Hudson , MA
Information 978-567-9600
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