RF amps open up new direction for designers — Avago Technologies
Wireless connectivity, whether for simple commercial applications such as garage door openers or for more complex military applications such as ultrasmall radios, continues to be an integral part of product innovation. Embedding RF into these different applications often requires highly compact form factors and support for a wide range of frequencies.
The VMMK-2×03 family of RF amplifiers (see Electronic Products , July 2008, p. 104) leverages the company’s recently announced WaferCap CSP technology to achieve its size, performance, cost, and design advantages. The 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.25-mm parts use only 10% of the board area of a standard SOT-343 package, and in some cases they can reduce PCB area by more than 50%. Further, they offer almost no signal loss and minimal parasitics, and are optimized for 500-MHz to 12-GHz frequencies.
Avago Technologies , San Jose , CA
Titus Wandinger 408-435-4587
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