The CANatomBOX embedded controller uses a 1.6-GHz Atom processor and 945GME chipset and targets CANbus control applications. The unit has 512 Mbytes of SD-RAM and 2 Gbytes of CompactFlash.
The standard version is 3.7 x 6.3 x 9.0 in., and the 2-PCI-slot version is 5.7 X 6.3 X 9.0 in. It features front-panel availability for two 10/100 Ethernet ports, an RS-232 port, two optoisolated CAN ports, and two USB 2.0 ports. The units are powered by 10 to 28 Vdc and operate at 0° to 50°C. (From $1,399 — available now.)
Saelig , Pittsford , NY
Sales 585-385-1750
Learn more about Saelig