Lowest-power triple-video-delay-line IC enables best color accuracy
Suited for use in applications that receive high-resolution video over unshielded twisted-pair cables, the AD8120 triple video-delay-line IC is claimed to consume 50% less than its closest competitors, while all three channels at maximum delay and its 0.8% channel-to-channel gain matching delivers the most accurate RGB color video available seven times better than competing products. In addition, the company claims that the part’s 150-MHz bandwidth multiplied by its 50-ns total delay provides an industry-leading performance benchmark of 7,500-MHz-ns BWxD (bandwidth x delay benchmark).
The delay line IC corrects for time mismatch between video signals incurred by transmission in unshielded twisted pairs of Cat 5 and Cat 6 type cables. It provides individual delay controls for each channel. The delay times are set independently using a standard four-wire SPI bus or a standard I2 C bus, or by applying analog control voltages to the VCR (voltage control red), VCG (voltage control green), and VCB (voltage control blue) pins.
The IC’s three delay paths provide broadband delays up to 50 ns in 0.8-ns increments using 64 digital control steps or analog control adjustment. Operating temperature is 40 to 85C and housing is in 32-lead LFSCSP. ($14.75 ea/1,000 available now.)
Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Information 800-262-5643
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