
Analyzer/generator tests LTE, other advanced wireless devices

Analyzer/generator tests LTE, other advanced wireless devices

Offered as an integrated solution for RF parametric test of wireless subsystems, the 7000 Series Vector Analyzer Generator combines signal generation and analysis in one. The VAG’s modular, software-defined functionality makes it a virtual “virtual instrument in a box” that aims to provide a flexible, future-proof test platform for advanced wireless technologies, including not only LTE networks scheduled for rollouts over the next few months, but also GSM/GPRS/EDGE, 3G/HSPA, and WLAN.

Analyzer/generator tests LTE, other advanced wireless devices

The VAG, which has a 1-MHz to 6-GHz operating range with a 90-MHz generation/analysis bandwidth (broader bandwidths can also be addressed with intelligent spectra “stitching”), dispenses with the need for separate signal generators and analyzers, and their inherent calibration and set-up times and costs. Further, it can be configured optionally with a second internal, independent signal generator, thus enabling receiver sensitivity and blocking measurements, MIMO simulation, and intermodulation testing of wireless components. Built-in and optional generators have a 115-dBc/Hz typical phase noise level at 20-kHz offset from a 2-GHz carrier.

Access to all functionality is through a touchscreen; there are no major hard-wired knobs or buttons to speak of, other than the on-off switch. The user interface is highly intuitive, letting any potential user quickly invoke all the unit’s complex measurements, even if he or she doesn’t use the instrument frequently.

A standard-waveform library covers popular wireless standards and a waveform generation package, for uses with the internal 2-Gbyte arbitrary waveform generator, lets users create and play back special waveforms. Waveforms from Matlab and similar packages are also supported. (From $49,000, or $56,000 with dual generators — available now.)

Aeroflex , Wichita , KS
Jim De Broeck 316-522-4981


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