Fiber-optic cables suit space-constrained apps
Suited for space-constrained high-density applications such as trunk, LAN, 40/100 GbE, and data centers, the high-density (HD) Bend Tolerant fiber-optic cables are available in diameters from 3 to 11.1 mm. Easily ribbonized for MTP/MPO connectors, the cables feature a unique nonribboned design that eliminates the preferential bend axis and allows a minor decibel loss at a very small bend radius.
The cables are available in fiber counts from 2 through 72; fiber counts greater than 12 fibers will be 3-mm 12-fiber subcables. Individual cables are colored for ease of termination, and are UL listed OFNP in accordance with NEC 770.179(a). (Contact company for pricing and availability.)
Optical Cable , Roanoke , VA
Heather Johnson 800-622-7711
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