High-accuracy pressure sensors work from 3-V batteries
Able to measure absolute, differential, or gauge pressures in ranges from 10 mbar up to 5 bar, the HDI series of pressure sensors features versions that can work from a 3-Vdc supply, suiting them for use in battery-powered portable or handheld devices. The sensors perform precise digital signal conditioning and achieve accuracies with a total error band (TEB) better than ±0.5% FSS over a of 0° to 85°C range.
The sensors are intended for use with air and noncorrosive gases, and versions offer various unidirectional, bidirectional, or barometric calibrations as well as different accuracies. The units have an I2 C port for digital operation as well as a 0.5 to 4.5-V output; both ports can operate simultaneously, so designers can build in redundancy for safety-critical applications.
The sensor’s miniature SMT and DIP housings save board space and provide design flexibility. In addition to being available from stock in a wide selection of configurations as well as 5-V versions, sensors can be modified with respect to pressure range, resolution, accuracy, and internal digital settings to meet customer requirements. (Less than $30 ea / 500 — from stock to 6 weeks ARO.)
Sensortechnics , Walpole , MA
Information 508-660-8823
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