LED driver offers high-voltage linear regulator
The AAL4010, a peak-current-mode controller for high-brightness LEDs, is intended for use with buck converter topologies, with provision for constant frequency or constant off-time modes of operation, with a power friendly 0.25 V for the current limit. The part offers a high-voltage linear regulator, functional from 7.5 to 500-V input, that enables startup or operation with no external power source.
The PWM frequency is resistively set, typically up to 200 kHz. Housed in a voltage enhanced 28-pin QFN (V28A) package, its LD pin provides for a linear dimming, by reducing the peak current limiting point, while the PWMD pin enables the input of a PWM dimming signal controlled by duty cycle. (From $0.88 ea/1,000 — available now.)
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