
PLL synthesizer integrates high-voltage charge pump

PLL synthesizer integrates high-voltage charge pump

Suited for microwave point-to-point systems, PMR (private mobile radio), VSATs (very small aperture terminals), test and instrumentation equipment, and aerospace systems, the ADF4150HV 4.4-GHz fractional-N or integer-N PLL synthesizer features a 30-V charge pump — which according to the company is the highest-voltage IC PLL charge pump available on the market today. In addition, because the device can be used to directly drive high-tuning-voltage external VCOs, it removes the need for active loop filters, thereby simplifying system design, improving performance and reducing bill of materials cost.

PLL synthesizer integrates high-voltage charge pump

Furthermore, the device incorporates high performance on-chip frequency dividers allowing the VCO frequency to be divided by 2, 4, 8, or 16 to allow the user to generate RF output frequencies as low as 31.25 MHz. Additional features include a power supply voltage of 3 to 3.6 V, programmable output power level and charge pump currents, analog and digital lock detect, and slew mode for fast lock. The ADF4150HV is also supported by the ADIsimPLL ver 3.3 design tool. ($2.49 ea/10,000 — available now.)

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