
CODEC/SLCC integrates AFE circuitry

A member of the Pro-X series devices, the N681622 codec/SLCC supports one Foreign eXchange Station (FXS) ports and operates with the company’s recently introduced single-channel and dual-channel Pro-X codec/SLCC devices — the N681386 for narrowband (8-kHz) operation and N681387 for wideband (16-kHz) operation, as well as the dual-channel the N682386 (narrowband) and N682387 (wideband). The part integrates all the AFE transistors needed for a single-channel FXS in a QFN-20 package.

The part enables a low typical idle channel noise (ICN) — as low as 3 dBRNC — and typical return loss of 40 dB. These features directly translate into better Voice Quality Test (VQT) scores for end-user systems. ($0.35 ea/10,000 — available now.)

Nuvoton Technology , San Jose , CA
Sales 408-544-1718


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