The SM2200 orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)-based power-line network transceiver is designed to operate in particularly noise prone smart-grid environments. The chip has a complete packet data modem with a simple physical layer protocol and was designed with emphasis on Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Automated Meter Reading (AMR) applications.
The frequency-agile device interfaces to an MCU via a three-/four-wire SPI and interrupt request outputs. It features programmable modulation to improve communications reliability: OFDMA with 54 carriers and up to 18 channels, BPSK for higher voltages and higher noise immunity and QPSK for higher data rates. ($4.89 ea/10,000 — available now.)
Semitech Semiconductor , Crescent Unit 03-20/22 , Singapore
+65 8126 7748
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