
RF power detector simultaneously delivers rms, envelope outputs

RF power detector simultaneously delivers rms, envelope outputs

Simplifying envelope extraction of high peak-to-average modulated signals in wireless, instrumentation, military, and broadband applications, the ADL5511 TruPwr rms and envelope detector improves power-added efficiency by combining two RF functions into a 16-pin LFCSP package. The envelope output is presented as a voltage that is proportional to the envelope of the input signal.

RF power detector simultaneously delivers rms, envelope outputs

The rms output is linear in a V/V output voltage that is independent of the peak-to-average ratio of the input signal. The extracted envelope can be used for power amplifier linearization and efficiency enhancements, and the rms output can be used for true power measurement.

Features include 1-MHz to 4-GHz frequency range, ±0.25-dB rms detection accuracy versus temperature, ±0.25-dB envelope detection accuracy versus temperature, and a ± 1-dB dynamic range of 40 dB. Supply voltage range is 4.75 to 5.25 V, and operating temperature is –40° to 125°C. ($7.33 ea/1,000 — available now.)

Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643


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