Low-noise instrumentation amp performs to to 210°C
Guaranteed to 210°C, the AD8229 precision instrumentation amplifier is offered as the first of its kind to be designed and manufactured for hot, harsh, and hostile environments. Until now, designers were forced to meet the challenges of rugged, noisy high-temperature environments with components that were not specifically designed for high-temperature conditions or that were designed to operate at lower commercial-grade temperatures. Often the repair and survival rates on systems using commercial-grade components are substandard, making them costly to maintain and operate. See video
The part offers a CMRR performance of 100 dB over the temperature range of –55° to 210°C, an input noise of 1.0 nV/√Hz max, and an output noise of 45 nV/√Hz max. Its input voltage offset varies by only 100-nV/°C over the entire temperate range.
Housed in an 8-lead CERDIP package, the part features a 15-MHz bandwidth (G = 1), a slew rate of 25-V/µs, and a THD of 120 dB (G = 1) at 1 kHz. It is suitable for sensors that read faint signals, such as those used in down-hole drilling, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and gamma ray detection. ($120 ea/1,000 — available now.)
By Christina Nickolas
Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643
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