The ADF4151 and ADF4196 PLL synthesizers ease design in a variety of applications including communications infrastructure base-stations, pulse and Doppler radar applications, test and instrumentation equipment, microwave point-to-point systems, PMR (professional mobile radio), VSATs, and aerospace systems. With an RF bandwidth of 3.5 GHz, the ADF4151 allows implementation of a Fractional-N or Integer-N PLL synthesizer.
The ADF4151 features a low noise digital phase frequency detector, a precision charge pump, a programmable reference divider, and a supply voltage of 3 to 3.6 V. It also offers 1.8-V logic compatibility.
The fast settling 6-GHz ADF4196 features a phase noise figure of merit of 216 dBc/Hz, a frequency hop across GSM band in 5 µs with phase settled within 20 µs and 1-rms phase error at 4 GHz RF output. It consists of a digital phase frequency detector and a precision differerntial charge pump. Both offer a 3-wire serial interface and are supported by the ADIsimPLL simulation tool. (ADF4151, $2.43 ea/10,000 available now)
By Christina Nickolas
Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643
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