
AMD R-Series x86 APU targets graphics apps

Designed for mid- to high-end graphics intensive embedded applications such as digital signage, casino gaming, point-of-sale systems and kiosks, as well as parallel-processing-intensive applications such as medical imaging and security/surveillance, the AMD Embedded R-Series accelerated processing unit (APU) combines a revised x86 based CPU architecture with high-performance, DirectX 11 capable, Radeon 7000 series graphics on a single chip. The IC also features a video compression engine, a secure asset management unit, and an enhanced unified video decoder.

AMD R-Series x86 APU targets graphics apps

The device uses industry-standard libraries such as OpenCL and DirectCompute, and has two or four cores and a 1 or 2 Mbyte L2 cache, with 384 parallel compute units. It takes only 17 to 35 W TDP – with much lower average power. The IC has four separate display controllers and works with the AM70M or AM75 hub chip. All eight versions of the IC all have a dual 64-bit DDR3 memory interface and PCIe Gen2 x4 and x16 I/O and are available in a PGA or BGA package. (RE272FDEC dual-core version estimated at $125 ea/in quantity, via distribution available Q2.)

by Jim Harrison

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) , Sunnyvale , CA
OEM Sales 408-749-4000


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