It seems that people just keep improving technology. New inventions keep popping up wherever you look. Some of them are useful and some of them are quite the opposite. Take a look at these ten gadgets that appear to be of no use.
1. iTypewriter
Image via Austin Yang
The iTypewriter was invented by mechanical engineer Austin Yang, who tried to harness the nostalgia of the old-fashioned typewriter. Set your iPad in the device and press the keys on the keyboard. The typewriter uses a slow-moving hammer with a bumper attached to the tip that taps on the iPad keyboard.
2. USB mouse with digital scale
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This device is exactly as it is described. Produced by Brando, it is useful if you ever need to weigh something very small while using the computer.
3. DigiScents iSmell
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Did you ever want to smell something that’s in your computer screen or send a scent to someone through e-mail? The iSmell sits on a computer user’s desk and includes a cartridge containing 128 basic odors that could be combined to create a smell that comes from a website or an e-mail. Each scent is coded and digitized, then embedded into the content. When you open the website or e-mail that scent is released into your area from the device.
4. Electronic bubble wrap
Image via ThinkGeek
The electronic bubble wrap comes on a key chain. It includes eight mini rubber “bubbles” that can continuously be popped. For an added bonus, every 100th pop will provide the user with an amusing noise.
5. Human washing machine (The Avan Santelubian 999)
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This Japanese-invented robotic self-washing station was created for those who do not feel like exerting the energy required to take a shower. Just climb into the machine and close yourself in. Inside the robotic bath your body will be washed, and infrared heat and steam will be released, you will be provided with soothing sounds and aromatherapy, and finally doused in body lotion. To top it off, the station even cleans itself.
6. Laser guided scissors
Image via ThinkGeek
These scissors works just like your ordinary pair, but this pair comes equipped with a laser that enables you to cut straight lines. I’m not sure the inventor accounted for those individuals with shaky hands).
7. iPad toilet docking station
Image via Amazon
If you want to enjoy your tunes in even the most private places, the iCarta, toilet docking station for your iPod will allow you to do just that. The iCarta is built directly into your toilet paper holder.
8. Solafeet Foot Tanner
Image via Solafeet,Inc.
Solafeet created a device that you can place your feet in to tan while you are watching TV or sitting at your desk. But the company recommends wearing protective eyewear while tanning your feet, so yous can’t actually do anything while tanning your feet. And another thing, what about the rest of your body?
9. Useless box
Image via ThinkGeek
This is, perhaps, the most useless of all the inventions, as it says it right in its name. ThinkGeek’s Useless Box Kit is an electronic kit that has only one function- to turn on and off. Assemble the kit, pop in two AA batteries, and then just press the button to turn it on. A metal finger will then pop out and turn it off. When you turn it on though, it doesn’t do anything at all. The useless box can be purchased for $39.99. That seems like a lot of money for nothing.
10. Retro cellphone headset
Image via ThinkGeek
This telephone gadget is a replica of the Western Electric 500-series model. This old-fashioned telephone can be connected to your cellphone and allow you to talk on this phone instead. It connects to your cellphone via a 2.5-mm jack and requires no batteries. It is also compatible with most phones such as Motorola, LG, and Samsung. ■
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