MEMS ‘celerometer has full-temp-range spec
Enabling designers to create products with more predictable and quantifiable performance, the ADXL350 3-axis MEMS accelerometer is the first MEMS accelerometer with minimum/maximum offset sensitivity defined over its full −40°C to +85°C temperature range. Other commercial MEMS accelerometers specify only typical sensitivity, so users must calibrate them over temperature for dependable accuracy.
Drawing just 45 μA in operation and 0.1 μA in standby from a 2.5-V (typ) supply, the ultralow power sensor has a maximum offset temperature sensitivity of ±0.31 mg/°C on the x and y axes and ±0.49 mg/°C on the z axis. Additionally, the sensor’s low noise density (1.7 LSB rms z axes, 1.1 LSB rms x, y axes, at 100 Hz data rate, full resolution) lets designers obtain valid measurements in low-noise-floor applications. The accelerometer is configurable for ±1, 2, 4, or 8-g ranges and its on-board 13-bit ADC can provide resolution as low as 2 mg/LSB. Aimed at such high-performance industrial and defense applications as gas/water meters, environmental monitors, and military communications radios, the sensor is available in a 3 x 4 x 1.2-mm, 16-lead, plastic-cavity laminate package. ($4.57 ea / 1,000 — available now.)
Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643
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