
ENERGY STAR’S Most Efficient Program Continues Through 2013

At the end of last year I reported that ENERGY STAR'S Most Efficient program would be extended through 2012 (see blog: Will the Most Efficient Products Please Stand Up?). Because the program is succeeding, the EPA has announced that it will continue through 2013.

The Most Efficient program identifies and promotes the most efficient products on the market. Once the efficiency criteria are met, manufacturers can use the modified ENERGY STAR® logo (at right) to call attention to their products (see blog: When “Energy Efficient” Isn’t Enough).

According to the EPA, acceptance of the Most Efficient label is beginning to take hold with increased attention from both retailers and manufacturers.

For 2013, of special note to power supply engineers are the addition of the computer monitors category and changes to the criteria for televisions.



Computer Monitors

Pmax= (6*r) + (0.032*A) -3.800

    Pmax = maximum allowable On Mode Power consumption in watts
    r = screen resolution in megapixels
    A = viewable screen area of the product in square inches




    Pmax = maximum allowable On Mode Power consumption in watts
    A = viewable screen area of the product in square inches
    TANH = hyperbolic tangent function


On September 27, 2012, the EPA held a stakeholder webinar to discuss the proposed 2013 criteria. After gathering comments, the EPA plans to finalize requirements by late October.


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