
Scopes put design solutions at users’ fingertips

Scopes put design solutions at users’ fingertips

We live in an era in which we expect all kinds of machines with displays to be operated by touch. Now, with the InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series, that most primary of engineering instruments, the oscilloscope, has joined the ranks of touch-operated machines. The series’ scopes are the first designed specifically for touch operation, delivering a fully integrated capacitive touchscreen and a truly intuitive way of setting up triggering, with just the touch of your fingers directly on the waveform display.

Scopes put design solutions at users’ fingertips

The digital-storage and mixed-signal oscilloscopes come in versions with bandwidths from 200 MHz to 1.5 GHz. Their 12-in. capacitive touchscreen — the industry’s largest — comes to life with the InfiniiScan Zone touch-triggering capability, which lets users select targets naturally and quickly. The capability makes triggering as easy as finding the signal of interest and drawing a box around it; bascially, if you can see a signal, you can trigger on it. Further, the interface includes an alphanumeric touchpad that replaces cumbersome knob/pushbutton-based operation, and touch-based interaction also enables greater flexibility in displaying measurement information.

In addition to touch performance, their benchmark features include an update rate of one million waveforms per second with standard segmented memory, which uses the manufacturer’s patented MegaZoom IV smart memory technology. The standard configuration for all models includes 4 Mpoints of memory and segmented memory. With the high-speed waveform update rate, operation is always fast, even with digital channels, protocol decoding, math functions, or measurements activated. Speed also translates into the highest probability of capturing random or intermittent events that can go undetected by scopes with lower update rates.

But wait, as they say in the TV infomercials, there’s more! The scopes are really five instruments in one: scope, logic analyzer (MSO), protocol analyzer, digital voltmeter, and dual-channel function/arbitrary waveform generator. And the instruments protect your investment by being fully upgradable from one version to the next. (From $5.600 to $22,000, depending on configuration — available now.)

Agilent Technologies , Santa Clara , CA
Sales 800-829-4444


Learn more about Keysight Technologies, Inc.

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