The International Microwave Symposium (IMS2013) takes place in Seattle's Washington State Convention Center from June 2 to 7. This is the premier annual international meeting for technologists involved in all aspects of microwave theory and practice and consists of a full week of events, including technical paper presentations, workshops,tutorials, and a full set of social events. The symposium also hosts a huge exhibition.
The IEEE MTT-S Microwave Week has several conferences that are co-located at the same venues. Besides the flagship IMS Conference, Microwave Week also hosts the IEEE RFIC and Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG) conferences. To view more information on their programs, you can visit and
533 exhibitors will be at the ready for your questions. The exhibition hall is open at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, June 4 to 6.
A series of interesting Focus Sessions will be part of the extensive technical program:
TU3A: RFICs/MMICs for Wireless Sensing and Communication
WE1G: Silicon Broadband Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits for High-Speed Communication Systems
WE4A: GaN Devices for Commercial Space: Trends and Developments
TH1B: Advances in Graphene RF and THz Nanoelectronics
TH2H: Realizing Stable Non-Foster Circuits and their Application
There will be 72 technical sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday on topics such a “Recent Advances in Microwave Ferroelectric and Acoustic Devices,” “RFICs/MMICs for Wireless Sensing and Communication,” and “mmWave and THz Interconnects and Transitions.”
IMS 2013 is jointly hosted by Washington and Oregon MTT (The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society) chapters, with the Technical Program Committee based in Oregon. See for more information.