
Lighting: Streetlight / AreaLight / HighBay / MidBay


Block diagram (SBD) for a Streetlight / AreaLight / HighBay / MidBay featuring AC/DC, DC/DC, LED drivers, power management devices, wireless and wired interface control and embedded processors.

Learn more about TI’s LED Drivers and LED Lighting Design

Learn more about the parts featured in this solution:

  • TPS92510 – 1.5-A Constant Current Buck Converter for HB LEDs
  • LM3406 – 1.5A Constant Current Buck Regulator for Driving High Power LEDs
  • LM3407 – 350 mA, Constant Current Output Floating Buck Switching Converter for High Power LEDs
  • LM3409 – PFET Buck Controller for High Power LED Drives
  • CC2530 – Second Generation System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / RF4CE / ZigBee
  • LM3414HV – 60W Common Anode Capable Constant Current Buck LED Driver Requires No Ext. Current Sensing Res
  • LM3466 – Smart Linear LED Driver for Multi-Channel LED Systems
  • TMP006 – Infrared Thermopile Sensor in Ultra Small Chipscale Package

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