
Image of the Day: Camera that made it to the moon sells for $909,000

The only camera known to have made it to the moon and back to Earth just sold for over $909,000 at a photography auction on Monday.

Apollo 15 Camera

The highest bidder was Akikazu Fujisawa, founder of Japanese retail chain Yodobashi Camera. The Hasselblad Lunar Module Pilot Camera was used by Jim Irwin on the Apollo 15 mission (the fourth mission to land on the moon).

It is believed that all other cameras brought to the moon on other missions were left behind and this is the only one to return.

Apollo 15 Camera 02

The bidding started at $110,200 and after a close bidding war, Fujisawa emerged the proud owner of the Hassleblad 500.

Story and images via WestLicht Photgraphica Auction.

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