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China’s infestation of smog has been a perpetual problem throughout the 21st century. The Chinese air quality is atrocious, as this tremendous pollution is literally smothering its citizens. There needs to be an effective solution that delivers immediate results. Meet this autonomous drone that was created to help combat the horrendous smog that affects China.
Last Saturday, this drone was tested, passing with flying colors for functionality and efficiency. This drone has integrated on-board technology, including airborne catalyzers to eliminate smog. It also has the unique ability to generate artificial wind currents that will carry the pollution away. The drone's advanced abilities pose as strong efforts that the country is taking to reduce all detrimental effects of air pollution.
So far, this drone is yet to be named. It has been produced by a subsidiary of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, resembling flying apparatuses from World War II in contrast to the visually appealing military drones we’ve been exposed to. The drone contains autonomous navigation controls that enable it to take flight, no matter how low the sky's visibility is. The drone’s on-board parachute allows the device to land safely even if it begins to fail mid-flight.
China has not yet announced when exactly the drone will be implemented as an integral part of smog management. They need to act ASAP on this matter, since China’s pollution hit an all-time high last month, forcing transportation to come to a screeching halt from the terrible visibility.
Story via Mashable
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