
The Beddit knows where you sleep

New sleep tracker links with Misfit’s Shine to make a comprehensive fitness tracker


So you know that you don’t do your best work when you’re tired, but what else do you really know about your sleep patterns and how they affect your life? Sure, you could just drink a cup of coffee whenever you feel like you haven’t gotten enough sleep and hope for the best, but there has to be a better way, right?

The company that created the Shine fitness tracker thinks that there is, and they have teamed up with Finnish startup, Beddit, to introduce a new device that could vastly improve its users’ quality of sleep, and therefore, quality of life. 

Misfit Shine

Recently, there’s been a lot of research on sleep that emphasizes the importance of sleep to overall fitness. Many companies have been trying to capitalize on this trend by releasing wearables that measure and track sleep. The Beddit, however, may be more attractive than other wearables to many customers because they won’t actually have to wear anything while they are sleeping. The Beddit consists of a strap that goes across a mattress, under the sheets (as opposed to a device like the Zeo sleep manager pro which is worn as a headband, or even the Fitbit, which has sleep tracking abilities but must be worn in a wristband overnight) and it tracks your heart rate, respiration, sleep cycles and sleep time. This data is then easily integrated into the app for Misfit’s Shine.

Beddit in use

The introduction of the Beddit could give the Shine the edge it needs to compete with devices like the Fitbit, the Jawbone, and the Nike Fuelband, as its focuses on fashion rather than functionality makes it seem “more like jewelry than tech,” and causes it to be less popular than its competition.  Since Beddit has already created a professional-grade sleep monitor, their newest device could conceivably be functional enough to make up for the Shine’s lack.

Beddit Shine app

The Beddit was unveiled on July 10, and recently made available for purchase through Misfit. It remains to be seen whether or this will affect Shine sales.

By MaryElizabeth Koepele

Story via macrumors


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