The Internet has become a very popular way to become romantically involved, but don’t forget about the many horrific stories of Internet dating gone wrong. So here are some ideas for you if you happen to be going on a blind date with a possible crazed killer. (These suggestions also apply if you’re going on a blind date with someone you did not meet on the Internet.)
1. date rape drug detector device
Prepare for your date by coming equipped with the, a device that when immersed in a beverage will instantly identify whether the drink has been drugged. The personal drink ID is small, battery-operated, reusable, and harnesses technology that’s been used by the Drug Enforcement Agency for years. Simply dip, wait a few seconds, and then the LED light will indicate if your drink has been drugged.
There’s currently an Indiegogo campaign underway for the device with 40 days left to raise funds. Check it out here.
2. Pepper spray iPhone case
Chances are you’ll have your cellphone on you during your date. This will allow you to slip on a Spraytect smartphone case with a detachable pepper spray cartridge. Prices start at $39.95 and Spraytect offers a variety of products so that you can take on your phone and fight off your blind date if necessary. View all products on the Spraytect website.
3. GPS shoe insoles
Let’s think of a worst-case scenario and say you get kidnapped. Make sure you let someone know that you’re going on the date beforehand so they can track your location and rescue you. Before you leave, slip in some GPS SmartSoles (which were really invented for tracking elderly patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s, but we can apply the same principle here).
The Bluetooth-enabled smart insoles hook up to a smartphone or tablet and allow for you to be easily tracked by setting up text and e-mail alerts or enter defined areas on a map. Learn more here.
4. Smartphone stun gun
Here’s a way to catch your attacker off-guard. Keep a stun gun on you- but not an ordinary stun gun. It’s a stun gun that looks like a smartphone. The SamStun is sleek and easily disguisable. You will not feel any shock back even if you are touching the person or if they are holding on to you. The stun effect is localized to where you are holding it on the other person.
There are a variety of sizes and styles to choose from. Browse here.
5. Lipstick stun gun
Assuming you’re a woman, you may be carrying around some makeup. If a smartphone stun gun isn’t your style then you could always get the “Stun Master® 3 Million Volt Rechargeable Lipstick Stun Gun”.
The Lipstick stun gun is powered by a built-in rechargeable battery and includes an integrated charger. Under the cap there are 2 buttons— one for the flashlight and one for the stun gun. For more products like this visit the website.
We strongly advise that you do not go on a date with a possible psycho, but sometimes unforeseen incidents occur. Now you can make sure you’re technologically prepared for that upcoming blind date.
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