
Police to wear Google Glass to help identify criminals

Law enforcement in Dubai will be among first to be equipped with new technology

Detectives in Dubai will be among the first in law enforcement to be equipped with Google Glass hands-free eyewear, said a police spokesman. 

The department hopes the technology will help officers better identify criminals on the street. 

Dubai police wearing google glass

News of this decision was first reported in Dubai’s 7 Days newspaper. In the story, it was said the software developed specially by Dubai police would connect the officer wearing the device with a database of wanted people. When it recognized a suspect on the loose, it would alert the officer.

Dubai police using google glass

The first iteration of Google Glass being used as a law enforcement device will see it combat traffic violations and track vehicles suspected of involvement in motoring offenses like hit-and-runs. 

The second phase will see the technology handed out to detectives for the purpose of identifying wanted criminals. 

Dubai’s decision to equip its officers with the $1,500 device falls in line with the government’s determination to spare no expense in giving its law enforcement staff everything it needs in order to police the wealthy Gulf Arab emirate. It follows Dubai’s announcement last year stating that police would be receiving $400,000 Lamborghini sports cars for use in major tourist sites. 

When asked to comment on the decision, Dubai’s deputy police chief said the vehicles were in keeping the Gulf capitals’ image. 

Dubai police car

Via: Reuters


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