
Looking to find that perfect Valentine – the one who wants to smoke out with you? There’s an app for that.

High There dating app for pot smokers now available on Google Play

It reads like something right out of one of those “outdated” paper-based publications where personal ads used to exist. “Middle-aged recent male divorcee seeks single female, ages 35 – 50, for companionship. Must love dogs and long walks on the beach.” Except nowadays, the personal ads are all posted on dating apps, and you can find a potential match based on their marijuana consumption preferences.

Say what? That’s right. A Denver-based company has created a dating app, a la Tinder, specifically targeted to people who smoke pot. Appropriately named “High There,” the app allows users to create their own profiles and swipe through the profiles of potential dating candidates who are nearby.

The idea was borne because High There’s founder was tired of dating girls who bolted as soon as he mentioned he enjoyed smoking weed.

“I hated dating on other sites and apps because as soon as the idea of my cannabis consumption came up – date over. I actually walked out of a date (after paying of course) and said to myself, that's it,” CEO and founder Todd Mitchen said in a recent interview.

Similar to other dating apps, High There scours user profiles and utilizes location-based services to suggest potential matches. Algorithms that might typically be used to pair sports fans, coffee lovers or thrill seekers take it one step further, though, pairing pot smokers who become lazy couch potatoes when they are high, and nixing any potential matches who become more energetic when they smoke weed.

High There App

At this time, High There is only available to users in states where marijuana is fully legalized or where it is approved for medicinal use. Anyone who is interested in downloading the app should head to the Google Play Store. The app touts itself as a place for people who “want to engage in shared experiences within a non-judgmental environment.” To download, the app requires Android 4.0.3 and up.

Have you used it? Leave us a comment below to tell us your impressions of this “highly” anticipated app release.

Via Mashable and TIME


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