Mexican engineers from the Jhostoblak Corporate have created new technology that purifies seawater and wastewater from hospitals, houses, hotels, commercial and industrial facilities regardless of the contaminants. The process eliminates all pollutants and microorganisms in as little as two-and-a-half minutes and releases zero gases, odors, nor toxic elements that may harm or alter the environment.
The technology uses a system called PQUA to separate and remove organic and inorganic pollutants by molecularly dissociating the water pollutants to recover the minerals needed for nourishment, explains one of Jhostoblak’s engineers to The purification process uses gravity to pump the contaminated water into a reactor tank, where it receives a predetermined dosage of eight dissociating elements. based on excessive testing. The exact quantity of these elements is key to cleansing the water, and its measurement stems from excessive testing of multiple types of contaminated water.
Once the elements are administered, solid, organic, and inorganic matter and heavy elements are removed by precipitation and gravity, creating a sludge on the bottom of the reactor. Next, the sludge is removed and scrutinized to determine its viability as fertilizer, or to be manufactured into construction materials. The remaining water is conducted to a clarifier tank where any excess charge of dissolved elements are removed. Afterward, the liquid passes through a filter to remove turbidity before it passes through a polishing tank to remove any remaining odors, colors, and flavors. Finally, the treated water is transported to a container where it is infused with ozone to ensure its purity; the resultant liquid is fresh and drinkable, devoid of any flavor or odor.
“We have done over 50 tests on different types of wastewater and all have been certified and authorized by the laboratories of the Mexican Accreditation Agency (EMA). Also, the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM), the College of Mexico and the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) have given their validation that the water treated with our technology meets the SSA NOM 127 standard, which indicates the parameters and quality characteristics for vital liquid to be used for human consumption,” says a Jhostoblak statement.
Whether or not PQUA is downsized into a consumer-level product remains to be seen; its implementation depends quite heavily on new laws pertaining to the use and consumption of water discharge.
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