
DIY spider robot helps teach kids 3D modeling, robotics, and code

STEMI is a smartphone-controlled hexapod robot that moves like a spider.


STEMI, a hexapod robot controlled via a smartphone app, is designed to teach children the basics of 3D modeling, electronics, Arduino programming, and mobile app coding.

Unlike most commercial robots, the STEMI kit  features a set of multimedia lessons that teaches kids how to assemble it into a working device, an Arduino DUE compatible board, a custom printed circuit board, 18 servo motors, a battery pack, aluminum body parts, rubber leg caps, and a handful of nuts and spacers. By learning how to assemble the device, and program the motors and app, budding makers will be able to produce a cute robot that can change height, walk in three different ways, perform complex movements, and dance.

Once released, the robot will be accompanied by a series of YouTube tutorials, teaching things such as one what a servo motor is and the difference between a servo and electric motor. The engineering team behind STEMI will also offer Skype tutoring for those who need it.

Adhering to the mission of making education fun and accessible, STEMI’s founders have promised to make its source code, blueprints, and 3D models an open source that is completely free. In addition, Indiegogo sponsors have the opportunity to select a Donation package and send STEMI kits directly to the school or institution of their choice.

The company’s founders Luca Fućek, Pavao Pahljina, Marin Trošelj, Antun Vukičević, Vlatko Klabučar, and Josip Vukičević were childhood inventors themselves and know firsthand how rewarding it can be to see your creation come alive, which is what influenced the idea of STEMI.

With a goal of $16,000, the Indiegogo campaign launched a few days ago and has already raised $3,500. The entry price to get your own STEMI starts at $235; $279 if you want a 3D printed cover; and $339 for a kit + private Skype tutoring.

Source: 3ders


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