Imec (Leuven, Belgium) and Infineon (Munich, Germany) are collaborating to develop a 79-GHz CMOS sensor chip for automotive radar applications. The two-chip stacked package device takes less than 500 mW/antenna path. The design of a first demonstrator in 28-nm CMOS technology is well underway, with prototype chips due in Q3 2016 and a complete radar system demonstrator scheduled for the beginning of 2017.
The device’s 77-GHz and 79-GHz frequency bands enable fine Doppler, range, and angular resolution.
“The aim is to realize radar systems with integrated MIMO antennas that not only detect large objects but also pedestrians and bikers and thus contribute to a safer environment for all,” said Wim Van Thillo, imec’s program director of perceptive systems. The module also fits drone and other transportation apps.
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