
Maker Faire 2016 highlights: Voltera V-one

A look at the newest rapid-PCB-prototyping must-have that allows you to prototype from the comfort of your workbench

The 2016 New York City Maker Faire promises to bring together tech crafters, enthusiasts, and engineers in a fascinating display of knowledge, talents, and inventions. Aligning with the intention of the cultural maker movement of bringing knowledge and innovation to the DIY-tech-enthusiast community, Voltera V-one was a major showstopper at the event. Crafted to re-design the prototyping game, Voltera V-one promises to modernize the electronics industry by allowing both professionals and amateurs the ability to rapid-prototype from the comfort of their bench.

The Voltera Company grew out of a consumer need for an intuitive rapid-prototyping device. V-one serves to replace traditional printed-circuit-board-prototyping (PCB-prototyping) means — which require prohibitively time-consuming and expensive minimum orders for factory pre-fabricated boards — by allowing businesses, researchers, and hobbyists alike the luxury of rapid productivity.


V-one creates one- or two-sided PCBs quickly and easily at your workbench using intuitive software and state-of-the-art components. Voltera’s software walks the user through each phase of the prototyping process using instructions and videos, allowing all designers to discover new things and learn more about electronics.

“The user interface is very intuitive to use,” commented Nina Ilic, a Postdoctoral Scholar at Stanford/CERN. “This is a machine that can definitely speed up development and help meet research objectives faster than ever before.”

Each design is created using a Gerber file, the standard 2D binary image software for PCBs. Once a Gerber file is uploaded on your desktop computer, the V-one dispenser constructs your custom circuit using a silver-based conductive ink to print your circuit, which ensures good connections and prevent short-circuiting. Due to its condensed and automatic functionality, V-one dispenses the conductive ink, solder paste, and reflow all in one, allowing users to go from concept to creation faster. Users also have the option of dispensing the solder paste and reflow separately onto any PCB board, not just those made on V-one. There is also a manual option for those looking to do their own reflow profile.

Voltera’s V-one was designed with researchers, businesses, and hobbyists in mind, giving DIY-ers the luxury of time- and money-saving PCB prototyping. V-one allows users to focus their attention on the end result — building hardware — as opposed to navigating the timely prototyping stage. Voltera V-one gives users the tool to do a low volume of professionally spun PCBs.

Source: Voltera, Hackaday


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