STMicroelectronics offers two STripFET 40-V automotive-qualified MOSFETs that target devices with current ratings up to 120 A. The MOSFETs include high-current powertrain, body, or chassis and safety systems, and the switching characteristics make them suited to use in motor drives such as in Electric Power Steering (EPS).
Compared to the previous STripFET F4 and F3 series, the F7 series features a much lower on-state resistance-per-die area. This, in turn, simplifies designers’ needs for high-power designs by reducing the number of paralleled devices. The STripFET families use DeepGATE technology to achieve 1.1 to 35 mΩ RDS(on) per die area and low RDS(on) x gate charge (Qg) for superior energy efficiency in familiar power packages. High avalanche ruggedness is another outstanding feature.
STripFET F7 enhances switching performance and energy efficiency by lowering the body-diode reverse-recovery charge (Qrr ) and reverse-recovery time (trr ), while softer recovery minimizes EMI, thereby easing demand for filtering components. In addition, optimized device capacitances increase noise immunity, eliminate the need for snubber circuitry. The threshold-voltage tuning ensures high false turn-on immunity without requiring a dedicated gate driver. In bridge circuits like motor drives, and the soft diode recovery helps prevent shoot-through currents, thereby enhancing reliability.
The 40-V STL140N4F7AG and STL190N4F7AG are qualified to AEC-Q101 in the PowerFLAT 5 x 6-mm package with wettable flanks. The 40-V automotive-qualified STripFET F7 MOSFETs are in production now, priced $0.92 each for the STL140N4F7AG and $1.25 each for the STL190N4F7AG for orders of 1,000 pieces. For further information, visit
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