Quantum computing is difficult — so difficult that only a few developers, usually trained in quantum physics, advanced mathematics, or both, can work with the few quantum computers that exist. D-Wave, the Canadian company behind the quantum computer that Google and NASA have been testing since 2013, wants to make quantum computing easier through the power of open-source software.
Typically, traditional computers store information in bits, which represent either a 1 or a 0. Quantum computing takes advantage of quantum particles in a state known as “superposition,” which means that the particle is spinning in two directions at the same time. Recently, researchers have taken advantage of these particles to create what they call “qubits,” which represent both 1 and 0. By bringing qubits together, companies like D-Wave are looking to create computers that are faster than today’s machines.
Back in 2000, IBM demonstrated a working quantum computer that it’s been improving on, while Google is designing a quantum computer of its own. Like NASA, Alamos National Laboratory and the Los Alamos National Laboratory are currently working with D-Wave machines. Although impressive, today’s quantum computers still aren’t practical enough for most real-world applications, since qubits are fragile and can be easily knocked out of the superposition state. Add in the fact that they require highly specialized knowledge, and quantum computers become extremely difficult to program.
“D-Wave is driving the hardware forward,” said D-Wave international president, Bo Ewald. “But we need more smart people thinking about applications and another set thinking about software tools.”
And that’s where the company’s software tool, Qbsolv, comes into play. It’s designed to help developers program D-Wave machines without needing a background in quantum physics, which is a huge advantage, as it opens up a world of possibilities. Some of D-Wave’s partners are already using the tool, but the company just released Qbsolv as open-source, meaning that anyone can freely share and modify the software.
Qubits for everyone
As of now, Qbsolv is part of a growing pool of tools for would-be quantum computer programmers. Last year, Scott Pakin of Los Alamos National Laboratory — who happens to be one of Qbsolv’s first users — released another free tool called Qmasm, which eases the burden of writing code for D-Wave machines by freeing developers from worrying about addressing the underlying hardware. In recent years, open-source software has proven to be the best way to build communities of both independent developers and big corporate contributors.
In order to actually run the software you create with such tools, you’d need access to one of the few existing D-Wave machines. Since, unfortunately, that will be difficult to come by, you can download a D-Wave simulator that allows you to test the software on your own computer. Read more about D-Wave to find out how. It's not the same, but it's a start.
Source: Wired
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