
Volkswagen is testing its commercial vehicles with augmented reality repair centers

Volkwagen’s commercial vehicles are being test-driven with RealWear’s HMT-1 augmented reality wearable device

By Jean-Jacques DeLisle, contributing writer

Volkswagen is introducing a new augmented reality (AR) technology to aid mechanics in repairing and servicing their new cars in a move designed to reduce repair times and labor costs. RealWear, the leader in wearable AR devices for industrial use formed an agreement with Volkswagen to trail 10 of its AR devices in Volkswagen Van Centers ahead of the U.K. national rollout. This advancement pushed the envelope of virtual and augmented reality by bringing the technology to the industrial stage. In the past, augmented reality has been mostly used for gaming, but thanks to the RealWear HMT-1 device, the tech will be tested for use in the auto industry, which could open many doors for its applications.


Image source: Pixabay.

The RealWear HMT-1 is a head-mounted device that displays various useful information and can relay that information to an office in real time, allowing for better communications between mechanics on the ground and the engineers who design the vehicles to be serviced. Wiring diagrams and blueprints can be viewed by the mechanic as needed and step-by-step instructions for complicated repairs can be given in real time, drastically diminishing the amount of time that a mechanic would need to diagnose and repair a problem. According to a statement from Andy Lowery, RealWear’s co-founder and CEO, “The RealWear HMT-1 device is solving one of the industry’s major dilemmas by bringing the right information to every frontline worker in real time, reducing downtime and improving productivity. We will work closely with Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles to ensure a successful pilot and rollout to allow them to give the best support to their customers.”

The idea of using AR in industrial situations is relatively new, but we’ll likely be seeing similar applications in the future. The new AR technology could allow mechanics to diagnose problems with a car completely in VR, minimizing the amount of time spent in the shop and, therefore, drastically reducing both cost and the inconvenience to the customer. By reducing the amount of time that the car is in the shop, costs such as office time, travel, and booking fees are all reduced, making servicing a vehicle both cheaper and faster.

The RealWear HMT-1 is, in many ways, a test for the viability of VR and AR technology in the industrial world. If the program is successful, we could see many more AR devices making their way into repair shops and factories worldwide. Imagine the dramatic reduction of training times that AR technology could allow. The workers of the future will not only use machines but will be guided by them with step-by-step instructions on a heads-up display. Training times would be greatly reduced and the need for memorizing complicated tasks would almost disappear. It’s an exciting new future with endless possibilities, and we have only scratched the surface.


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