Q-Tech Corp. has expanded its high-stability microprocessor compensated (MCXO) and oven-controlled (OCXO) crystal oscillator families with two new devices. The new QT2021 Series of MCXOs and the AXIOM75Sx Series of OCXOs with parts-per-billion stability are designed for new space satellite timing and frequency generation applications.
Meeting the radiation tolerance specifications required for low Earth orbit (LEO) deployment, the QT2021 MCXOs and AXIOM75Sx OCXOs both meet 50 kRad (TID) radiation tolerance. The QT2021 MCXOs are available in standard frequencies from 10 MHz to 100 MHz and the AXIOM75Sx OCXOs from 10 MHz to 400 MHz. All are available with either sine wave or CMOS logic outputs.
The QT2021 devices are housed in a small form-factor package that weighs 50 g, versus comparable oven-controlled (OCXO) units weighing 100 g or more. This improvement in size, weight and power (SWaP) offers an MCXO option for a range of advanced satellite cluster designs.
Key features of the QT2021 MCXOs include best-in-class frequency stability over temperature (±10 to ±30 ppb), single event latch-up (SEL) of 75MeV-cm2/mg (min), high shock and vibration tolerance with G-sensitivity of 1 ppb/g and phase noise floor of -168 dBc/Hz (at ≥100 kHz offset).
The AXIOM75Sx OCXOs are packaged in hermetically sealed enclosures to enhance reliability. With their wide frequency range, these OCXOs may be used in a range of new space applications. Key features SEL immunity (by design), single-event transient (SET) insensitivity and excellent frequency stability over temperature (<±50 ppb). They also offer ultra-low noise performance with a phase noise floor of -180 dBc/Hz (at ≥100 kHz offset), which enables high up- and down-link satellite bandwidths.
Q-Tech and its German affiliate will showcase the company’s latest new products at IMS 2024, in booth #2223, June 16-21, in Washington, D.C.
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