The N2Power XL275 series of ac/dc power supplies offers 90% efficiency and 275 W while packing 12.22-W/in.3 power density into a 1U opening for space-critical applications. It features a 90 to 264-Vac input with active PFC.
Four models provide single outputs from 12 to 56 Vdc, along with a secondary 12-Vdc/1-A output, and a 5-Vdc/1-A standby output. All outputs may be paralleled. A digital microprocessor monitors output voltage, current, auxiliary output voltages, ambient temperature, and cooling fan speed. Protection circuitry and remote on/off are standard features, with I2 C-based PMBus capability as an option. ($130 ea/large qty available now.)
Power Sources Unlimited , Wrentham , MA
Sales 800-966-7784
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