
Active ORing controller suits 48-, 12-V apps

Active ORing controller suits 48-, 12-V apps

The PI2127 and the PI2007 are two additions to the Cool-ORing active ORing product family. The PI2127 targets 12- and 48-V high-side redundant bus applications and the PI2007 is a universal high-speed high-side active ORing controller IC for use with n-channel MOSFETs in redundant power system architectures. Both devices address redundant intermediate bus requirements for high-availability systems such as servers, high-end telecom and computing, and communications infrastructure systems.

The PI2127 has an integrated high-speed ORing MOSFET controller with an 8.5-mΩ on-state-resistance MOSFET and an 80-ns typ MOSFET turnoff. It is a thermally enhanced 7 x 8-mm LGA package that delivers up to 12 A and is rated to 60 V. The PI2007 controller has an 80-ns reverse-current turnoff delay time and 4-A gate peak-discharge current capability to turn off the MOSFET. It controls either single or paralleled MOSFETs. PI2007 datasheet: (PI2127, $4.66 ea/1,000; PI2007, $1.61 ea/1,000 available now.)

Picor , North Smithfield , RI
Carl Smith 401-235-1111


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