
Add the Night Runner 270 shoe lights to your holiday wish list

The shoe lights feature 75-lumen LEDs to make exercising at night safer.


With the holidays just around the corner, the Night Runner 270 shoe lights are the perfect gift.

Night runners are designed to give you the freedom to run whenever and wherever without having to worry about anything getting in your way. They are water-resistant, lightweight, bright LEDs that clip onto your running shoes’ laces to illuminate you with a 270-degree arc of light, and are also equipped with a wingtip-shaped attachment with a red light on the rear side to make your view visible from behind.


The creators of Night Runners, Doug and Renata Storer, successfully launched the product via Kickstarter for $35,000 and used the money to pay for tooling and the first round of manufacturing. Doug was motivated to create the product after injuring himself falling into a pothole at night while training for the New York Marathon. But technically speaking, the Night Runners should work well for running on trails and in urban environments.

The 75-lumen LEDs provide up to 30 meters of visibility and are contained within a bilateral winged housing that is able to withstand high-impact activities. They are powered by Lithium-ion batteries that last between four and eight hours depending on level of usage and are recharged via a micro-USB port.


What makes the lights ideal is that they are adjustable, allowing them to be snapped into the angle needed for lighting up the terrain in front of you. They perform best on flatter, more consistent trails as steep drop offs and hills make the light a bit uneven. Where the Night Runner 270s shine the brightest is down a residential dirt road on the edge of town with no street lights, sidewalks, or shoulders to run on – somewhere you may not consider running for safety reasons.

With the lights equipped on your feet, running feels comfortable and safe. You can pick the Night Runner 270s up online for a reasonable price of $59.95 just in time for the holidays.

Source: Gizmag


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