The first unit designed by its manufacturer to serve as a monolithic benchtop instrument, VirtualBench VB-8012 from National Instruments is an all-in-one tool that integrates a mixed-signal oscilloscope, function generator, digital multimeter, programmable dc power supply, and digital I/O. Users interact with the box using software apps that run on laptop PCs or iPads, which allows them to take advantage of their advanced interface and control technologies, such as multitouch displays, multicore processors, wireless connectivity, and intuitive interfaces.
The 100-MHz dual channel scope has a 1-Gsample/s rate when both channels are used as one, or 500 Msample/s used individually. As a logic analyser, the MSO offers 34 100-MHz channels (32 data, 2 clock) for 0 to 5 V logic. The function generator provides standard and arbitrary waveforms with 14-bit resolution at update rates to 125 Msample/s. The DMM measures ac/dc voltage and current (as well as resistance, diode, and continuity) with 5 ½-digit resolution. The dc supply has three outputs (6, 25, and -25 V) and the 8 LVTTL digital I/O lines come in handy for control functions.
The unit can connect to the laptop/iPad either wirelessly or via USB 2.0, and works with LabVIEW system design software. It is available worldwide for $1,999; PC software is available now; the app for iPad will be available in the App Store later this summer.
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