AN 344: Altera Reference Design Application Note
A digital video broadcast asynchronous serial interface (DVB-ASI) is a serial data transmission protocol that transports MPEG-2 packets over copper-based cables or optical networks. DVB-ASI is used as a serial link between equipment in broadcast facilities. The Altera® ASI reference design demonstrates how to use CycloneTM devices or StratixTM brand products to transmit or receive packets over an ASI. The reference design can be set in receive to transmit loop-back mode or pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) mode where transmit and receive are de-coupled. In PRBS mode, transmit is then fed by the PRBS generator.
The Altera® ASI demonstration demonstrates how to use Cyclone™ devices to transmit and receive packets over an ASI.
The demonstration is a two-receiver and transmitter demonstration with loopback and includes a transport stream (TS) generator and TS packet checker. The ASI demonstration uses the Altera® ASI MegaCore® function and the Cyclone video demonstration board.
The design consists of the following elements:
• Cyclone low voltage differential signalling (LVDS) inputs and
outputs (I/Os) for the receiver and transmitter
• ASI receiver
• ASI transmitter
• ASI buffer
• TS generator
• TS checker
• Two PLLs for frequency multiplication—one for the transmitter, one
for the receiver