Analog Devices Optimizes Sensing Technology For Automotive And Industrial Applications
Analog Devices Inc. is expanding its capacitance-to-digital converter (CDC) and iSensor™ intelligent sensor families with new devices that deliver a combination of high sensitivity, low power, low cost and small size for sensing applications.
New capacitance-to-digital converter (CDC) and iSensor™ motion sensing devices make it easier for system designers to reap the benefits of integrated sensing technologies.
Based on Analog Devices’ iMEMS® inertial sensor cores, the highly integrated, and pre-calibrated, iSensorTM intelligent sensor devices provide a simplified programmable interface and are designed for embedded motion analysis and control applications.
“Discrete sensors have a history of being expensive and difficult to implement,” said Mike Britchfield, product line director, Precision Signal Processing, Analog Devices. “ADI’s CDC and iSensor device families break down the barriers that have kept designers from adding sensing functions to their system designs due to cost and excessive power consumption.”