Analog multiplexers withstand +/-100 V
The MAX388 one-of-eight multiplexer and the MAX389 two-of-eight
multiplexer each have internal data latches and use a series n-channel,
p-channel, n-channel structure for fault protection. If power is removed
with input voltages applied, all channels turn off and the analog inputs
have only nanoamperes of leakage current; in addition, when an overvoltage
signal up to +/-100-V is applied to an analog input or output, the channel
turns off. The MAX388/389 operate from +/-4.5 to +/-18-V supplies and come
in 18-pin plastic and ceramic DIPs. (From $6.00 ea/1,000–available now.)
Maxim Integrated Products Sunnyvale, CA Information 408-737-7600 EEM
FILE 3130