AnalogicTech Announces 500 mA Boost Converter that Provides USB Host Power in Portable Platforms
AnalogicTech, announced the AAT1275, a new type of power management IC that combines a 500 mA boost converter with a current-limiting load switch. By bringing together a regulated 5V, 500 mA output with current limit protection in a single monolithic device, the AAT1275 simplifies the development of host USB ports in portable electronics systems powered from a single-cell Lithium-ion battery.
Monolithic Device Simplifies USB 2.0 Host Port, On-The-Go Operations in Single-Cell Lithium-Ion Powered Systems
Operating from a 2.7 to 5V input range, the AAT1275 supports both USB 2.0 host port and USB On-The-Go operation in single-cell Lithium-ion battery powered systems. While the load switch current limit defaults to the standard USB 500 mA limit, it can be programmed to lower values to host lower current USB ports, thereby saving precious battery power, or support any application that requires a current-limited 5V supply.