Analyzer option reads noise figure to 50 GHz
Said to offers the industry’s most accurate noise figure measurements up to 50 GHz, Option 028 for PNA-X Series microwave network analyzers allows highly accurate measurements of amplifiers, frequency converters, and mixers. The analyzer corrects for the effects of imperfect system source match, using vector error correction to remove mismatch errors and an ECal module as an impedance tuner to remove noise-parameter-induced errors.
For noise figure measurements to 50 GHz, an external preamp and filter are needed for devices with excess noise less than 30 dB, Up to 26.5 GHz, an additional option, H29, offers an internal low-noise receiver, eliminating the need for an external preamp and filters. (Option 028, $24,000; two-port 50-GHz PNA-X $140,000 — available now.)
Agilent Technologies , Santa Clara , CA
Sales 800-829-4444
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