Looking to draw some eyes your way this Halloween? Stepping into a realistic-looking (and slightly gross) digital costume by Morph Costumes may be something right up your alley. So grab your smartphone, get into character, and prepare to freak out those who are lucky enough to cross your path. Because no matter if you’re disguised as a zombie or a clown, you’ll be equipped to make a monster impression this Halloween.
Flesh iWound
What’s October 31st without a veiny organ pounding away through your torn-up, blood-stained shirt? Though this shocker looks like the real deal, getting the costume together is beyond simple. To get the look, all you have to do is download the free app from Morph Costumes to your smartphone and pop the phone into a pouch in the shirt (which you can order on the Morph Costume website). If you’re easily bored with this horrible sight, you can double-tap the beating heart to toggle through extra videos, including snakes, tarantulas, and maggots. The latex shirt fits just about anybody and holds any phone in place, from an iTouch to the Samsung Galaxy Note II.
Rotten Clown Mouth Mask
If you’re looking to completely transform yourself while traumatizing everyone in sight, throw on the rotten clown mask. As with the costume above, just download the app to your smartphone and place the device into the mask’s pocket, and there you will have it: a mouth filled with squirming little maggots. This one is sure to get the reactions you’re looking for.
Zipper iWound
Whoops, shouldn’t have gotten that backstreet surgeon to do your very serious heart operation. Now your heart’s popping out of your broken skin that was once held shut with a zipper. This one might not be for everyone, but it’s sure to make quite the impression at any Halloween bash. Just download the app and pop your phone in the costume’s pouch. Double-tap the wound to toggle through additional displays, including maggots, tarantulas, and snakes.
Cyclops Mask
Who said two eyes are better than one? Everyone at the party won’t be able to stop staring at this crazy mask. To get your eye rolling, download the app that goes along with the costume and pop your device into the mask’s pocket. You’ll be peering around and turning heads in no time. Double-tapping on the eye stops and starts the movement.
Beating Heart Zombie Morphsuit
Quit watching those zombie shows and become one of the walking dead yourself with the beating-heart zombie morphsuit costume. To achieve the beating heart, download the free app and place it in the costume’s pouch, tap twice to play, and everyone around you will go wild. The app also includes maggots, snakes, turning gears, and tarantulas, if your beating heart should ever tire from showing off.
As for the spandex suit, double-stitching around the inside ensures durability, and the two zips make de-morphing simple and quick.
Hungry for more? Dig up some other digital costumes at morphsuits.com.
To view more spooky stories, including DIY Halloween costumes, read our Halloween Special Report.
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