ARINC 629 Comm. module operates on VXIbus
The VX4469 ARINC Communicaiton Module is claimed to be the industry's
first ARINC 629 test equipment that operates within VXI test systems. The
VX4469 operates as a terminal on ARINC buses, generating and receiving
data from modules and systems built on the ARINC bus. It is a
message-based, single-slot, C-size module that can be configured for up to
three independently programmable ARINC 629 terminals. Each VX4469 terminal
includes its own VLSI terminal IC and Serial Interface Module, which
together ensure communication compatibility with the Unit Under Test
(UUT). The VX4469 can emulate a seperate terminal for a different bus on
each of its terminals. The VX4469 provides all the performance features
found in stand-alone ARINC 629 instruments. It also incorporates features
not found on any other ARINC test equipment. Most importantly, its dynamic
data generation creates predictably variable data to simulate flight
profiles, relieving a system controller from this task. Dynamic data
functions include automatic freshness count update adn ramp, triangle, and
sawtooth math functions for transmitted data and messages. Furthermore,
the VX4469's Built-In Test Equipment (BITE), performs extensive
module-level diagnostics at power up or on command, as well as wrap-around
self-test on data transmission. (VXI module in single-terminal
configuration, $6,000; in two-terminal configuration, $9,500; three
terminal configuration, $12,700 — 4 weeks ARO.) Textronix, Inc.
Beaverton OR Marketing 800-426-2200