
ARM IDE targets embedded systems

The ARM DS-5 is a professional integrated development environment for Linux-based and bare-metal embedded systems, covering all the stages in development, from boot code and kernel porting to application debug. The tool uses the Eclipse platform and replaces the RVDS toolkit.

DS-5 Professional Edition is the reference tool chain for developing software on ARM processor-based devices. The tool features state-of-the-art compilation, debug, and profiler tools. It includes Version 5.0 of the ARM Compiler with support for Cortex-A15, Cortex-R5, and Cortex-R7 processors. DS-5 also uses the Performance Monitoring Unit on recent ARM processors for system-level profiling, and displays non-intrusive trace data from the ARM Embedded Trace Macrocell and Program Trace Macrocell to aid the debug of time-related problems. (From $4,125 available now.)

By Jim Harrison

ARM , San Jose , CA
Sales 408-576-1500


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