Suitable for applications such as remote keyless-entry systems, car alarms, home security systems, remote controls, and garage door openers, the MAX7036 IF ASK/OOK receiver operates in the 300 to 450-MHz frequency range. Only requiring a few external components to implement a complete receiver-chain solution, this device integrates an LNA, a self-contained PLL block, a 400-kHz IF filter with RSSI, and analog-baseband data-recovery circuitry.
Receiver sensitivity is –109 dBm, and operating temperature is –40° to 105°C. Housed in a 20-pin TQFN package, the part operates from 3.3 or 5 V and draws less than 1 µA typ in shutdown mode, and only 5.5 mA typ in receive mode. (From $2.00 ea/1,000 — available now.)
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