
Audio analyzers reduce measurement times

Developed for use in production environments, the UPP200/400/800 audio analyzers are available in versions with two, four, or eight analog measurement channels, and multiple analyzers can be cascaded to test as many as 48 channels in parallel to achieve higher throughput. The compact, 2U analyzers also save space in a rack.

Audio analyzers reduce measurement times

Depending on the requirements, up to five slave instruments can be connected to a master via cascading. Manufacturers who use the UPV high-end audio analyzer for R&D applications can run the measurement programs from their R&D work on the new instruments. The analyzers have a built-in computer, so all operations can run in the base unit and the test system controller does not need special software. (Contact Chris Petrole for pricing and availability.)

Rohde & Schwarz , Columbia , MD
Chris Petrole 410-910-7836


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