
Audio chip offers up to 64s playback w/o MCU

Audio chip offers up to 64s playback w/o MCU

The ISD2360 ChipCorder audio device with three-channel mixing and parallel processing enables consumer and industrial designs to have much richer, deeper audio playback — without the need for an MCU. The part is ideal for automotive, medical-alert, instrumentation, and point-of-purchase applications since it allows louder speaker output of 1.0 W at 5 V over competing parts while featuring audio-grade digital playback of voice and/or music for up to 64 s.

Additionally, the part’s parallel GPIO allows designs to feature complementary effects, such as driving LED lights to complement an application’s audio, without the need for additional circuitry. It also has built-in digital compression, flash storage for non-volatile audio playback of up to 30 s, a speaker driver, and digital audio signal paths.

Specifications include a low power of less than 10 µA, a sampling rate of up to 32 kHz, and a higher SNR of 60 dB over previous generations. Housing is in QFN32 and SOP-16 packages, (60s version, $1.50 ea/prod qty — 3rd qtr, 2012)

By Christina Nickolas

Nuvoton Technology , San Jose , CA , United States
Sales 408-544-1718


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